After you’ve signed up for an account, you can modify your profile to add additional information, including a display name that is different from your own username. When you sign up for a Reddit account, you will only be asked to give a username, a password, and an email address. Despite being basic information, these can be pretty difficult to track.

To start off, we wanted to look at the core information surrounding Reddit users – more specifically, four basic points of a person’s characteristics: age, gender, geographic location (or nationality), and ethnicity. Luckily, we’ve done our best to pull together several different sources of information to build a profile detailing exactly what kind of visitors Reddit is receiving. What are the demographics of the site that bills itself as the front page of the internet? When you’re browsing Reddit, what types of people are you sharing the site with? Who’s using the site, and for what purpose? These are tough questions to answer, especially for a site as big as Reddit.